Mission Statement & Priorities

Castlefrank Elementary School stands for excellence, equity and education. In partnership with our community, our mission is to enable our students to become fulfilled and productive citizens of Canada. To prepare for the twenty-first century, our students will acquire the knowledge, skills and values that will allow them to be flexible and adapt to changing technologies. Castlefrank provides opportunities for students to work independently and collaboratively and to think creatively and critically.

Key Priorities

At Castlefrank, the following priorities guide our work;

  1. A focus on the creative and effective implementation of ‘best practices’ in Primary Education
  2. A committed and significant effort to fully engage parents in all aspects of the school
  3. Implementation of an age-appropriate and effective program to address social responsibility
  4. Building on continuing work in the areas of critical and creative thinking
  5. Effective implementation of new technology