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student attendance


8:15 - 8:30 am Yard supervision
8:30am -10:30am Instructional block #1
10:30am - 10:50am Morning nutrition break
10:50am - 11:15am Morning recess
11:15am - 1:15pm Instructional block #2
1:15pm - 1:35pm Afternoon nutrition break
1:35pm - 2:00pm Afternoon recess
2:00pm - 3:00pm Instructional block #3
3:00pm Dismissal


Castlefrank Elementary School Council Castlefrank Elementary School - School Council

The Castlefrank School Council will hold it's 2023-2024 meetings on first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

School Council elections took place on the first meeting of the year. The following executive team was elected to carry out specific roles on the school council. Please click HERE for information about the positions. 

The School Council is a great way to get involved, meet new people, and help make decisions to enrich your child's school year. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to meeting all our new members. 

Last year's executive council members:
Co-chairs: Jennifer Jones and Valerie Little
Co-treasurers: Suzanne Milsom
Secretary: Gayle Morrow
OCASC Representative: Tanya Suitor
Communications Officer: Jenna Thompson
Members at Large: Shane Little, Nicky Stewart, Shannon McKelvie, Savannah Beattie, Allison Camilucci

There are always many opportunities to get involved. Everyone is welcome!

Here is a list of the upcoming School Council meetings:
Wednesday,October 4 - In person
Wednesday,November 1 - In person
Wednesday, December 6 - Virtual
Wednesday,January 10 - Virtual
Wednesday, February 7 - Virtual
Wednesday, March 6 - Virtual
Wednesday, April 3 - Location TBD
Wednesday, May 1 - Location TBD
Wednesday, June 5 - Location TBD

For more information about the school council, and to subscribe to email updates, please visit Alternatively, should you have any questions about the school council or wish to discuss any of the executive positions, please contact 
[email protected]

School Cash online imageSchool Cash Online

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board uses School Cash Online, an easy to use, safeand convenient way for parents and guardians to pay for their children’s school fees, such as field trips.

Sign up today, it takes less than five minutes to register. Please follow these step-by-step instructions.


Ottawa Student Transportation Authority LogoSchool Transportation Information

The following Castlefrank Bus Routes continue to be listed on the Long-Term Cancellation list. You can keep up to date by checking the Long-term Cancellation List on the OSTA website

There are currently NO cancelled AM routes

Cancelled PM routes

Student Bus Stop Information & Eligibility
You can check both your child’s eligibility and their bus stop information on the OSTA website at If you haven't done so already, you must create a parent account to access their information. Once you have a parent account you can add your child(ren) and get their transportation information. Please ensure to regularly check to see if your child's bus is on both the short-term and long-term cancellation lists on the OSTA website. Bus eligibility and assignment does not mean that the bus is running.

Declining Bus Seat
If your child is eligible for a seat on the bus, but you know that your child will not be using it at all this school year, please go to to complete the online opt-out of transportation for the current school year. This will help us with our plan our seating and physical distancing requirements. 

For any additional information go to

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